Welcome to Underwillow Photography
Hi and welcome to Underwillow Photography. My name is Kristina and i'm a photographer as well as a proud mum of three beautiful children.
My passion for photography started when i was just a little girl. You see, my darling father had a passion for photography and i would eagerly watch him taking photos on his film camera and then transforming them into printed pieces of art in his darkroom lab. I thought it was pure magic and my dad was a magician. He would spend hours and hours in his darkroom and i would stay glued to his side all the time. Sometimes my little eyes would give in and my dad would find me asleep there on the floor. Leaving for bed wasn't an option, I didn't want to miss any of those magical moments.
When i was about 8 or 9 my dad decided to trust me with his camera. I couldn't believe my luck! So I've planned my first photo session and i wanted to capture the sunrise. It was during summer holidays which i was spending at my grandma's in the countryside. I got up before 4 o'clock in the early morning, took the camera and marched off through the tall wet grass towards the riverside to meet the sunrise. After waiting for a while, the perfect moment appeared. Sun rising up from the cloud illuminating it with it's beautiful morning colors, river running through, even a stork flying by in my picture frame, and me, pressing the camera button and.. Nothing happens.. Turns out i forgot to load a film into the camera..
But that didn't defeat me, instead it made me seek perfection in life.
Time went by and my passion for photography was pushed aside by studies, moving country, meeting my better half, planning my own wedding and having my first baby boy. Slowly, but surely my passion for photography started to come back and before my second son was born, i owned my first Dslr. I absolutely loved taking pictures of my kids and finally decided it was time for me to pursue it as a career. I signed up to West Herts college in London for photography course and gobbled up every word said my teacher. Attended numerous workshops, training courses, and just photographed to my heart's content aiming to achieve perfection.
I cherish every second spent with my clients and feel so blessed to be able to freeze the moment and create them long lasting memories through photos.
I hope to meet you one day! I'd like to be your 'magician'..